About Us

About TEA

Tulsa Executives Association (TEA) is the oldest, largest, and most prestigious networking organization in Tulsa. Founded in 1930 by prominent Tulsa business leaders who identified the need to band together to survive the Depression years, the power of TEA membership continues today. As Tulsa’s premier networking association, the original mission is unchanged: Provide mutual support, business referrals, and patronage to fellow member businesses.

Membership in Tulsa Executives Association is unique and unequaled in other business groups. Each member of TEA is granted exclusive representation within their business classification. There are no mandatory referral requirements although business “Thank You”s are offered at every meeting. Members of TEA rely strongly on the accountability and credibility of fellow members and treat fellow members as family. It is this core belief that has allowed TEA to remain strong for nearly a century despite changing business, political, and cultural conditions.

Tulsa Executives Association meets weekly at Tulsa Country Club and meetings last one hour. Weekly programming includes business “Thank You”s, member highlights, or an outside speaker. Attendance is required at luncheons throughout the year as this builds trust between members and distinguishes TEA from other business associations. Understanding business owners have occasional conflicts, make-up meetings are held to allow all members to stay in compliance with attendance requirements. Long term TEA members describe luncheons with adoration and warm camaraderie, qualities that are only found in environments of honesty & integrity.

The cost of TEA membership is affordable and is an investment in business growth. Many business owners attribute the power of TEA membership to their business success. As one former TEA President shared, “It is wonderful in today’s challenging and sometimes ruthless business climate to experience over 100 business people in a room exchanging ideas that foster excellence in customer service and business practices.”

To learn more about joining the powerful membership of Tulsa Executives Association, email Tracy Emmons, Brand Ambassador at temmons@tulsaexecutives.com or click here.

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